AZ1 Admin
3 months ago
So bad for the Chiefs, really gonna be missed.
AZ1 Admin
9 months ago
At the eye Docs today. Floaters in my eyes bothering me. After the last test just now, everything looks pink.
AZ1 Admin
3 yr. ago
So this guy acquires a parrot from his friend. He takes it home and later in the day he hears the parrot cursing loudly. So he takes the parrot out of the cage, holding him by the neck and tells him to stop cursing, no more talking that way, then puts him back in the cage. Later in the day the parrot is heard cursing loudly again with no stopping. So the guy grabs him again by the neck and said I told you no cursing and took him over to his freezer and through him in. Two hours later he went back to get his parrot and asked him if hed learned his lesson yet. The parrot answered him and said - aw aw aw all I wa wa wanna know i i is wa wa what did th th the turkey do!

#parrot #jokes #turkey #instatel
AZ1 Admin
3 yr. ago
Was just thinking about my son Joe. I totally forgot that I wrote a little blog about him in 2011. You can find it at:
We all miss him very much!
Gladly well see him soon again in the near future in the earthly resurrection promised by our creator in the new world to come!
AZ1 Admin
3 yr. ago
Florida update, cold and breezy - this is supposed to be Florida!
#Florida #Cold